B o d y S h a p e

BodyShape - Fitness, Workout &
Gym Django Template

/ /
  • Django

  • Python

  • Bootstrap v5.1.3

  • JQuery 3+

  • 100% Responsive

  • High Performance

  • Fully Customizable

  • Easy to Use

  • Unlimited Options

  • W3C Validated

  • Touch Enabled

  • Use Sass

  • Mega Menu

  • Well Documented

  • Cross Browser

  • Modern Design

  • Category Style

  • Masonry

  • Swiper js

  • Lifetime Updates

  • Google Fonts

  • FontAwesome Icons

High-speed and optimized.

Fast Time Load

Google Pagespeed

Score 91%


Pingdom Pagespeed

Score 90%


GTMetrix Pagespeed

Score 95%

Make your site the 1st-rank.

All the necessary plugins for SEO Optimization are bundled.


Template Reviews

Ready to Use
Awesome Form

Working Php Forms

Don't go by our Words, checkout awesome demos and verify yourself. Save 1000s of hours of designing and coding work as we already did that for you.

  • Running Contact Form
  • Mailchimp Ready

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  • In Order To Ensure Your Website Is Live, We Will Customize
    The Template According To Your Requirements And Upload It to the Server.


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